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A Lost Faith, Black Republicanism

Not too many Black Folk will admit it...but the Republican and Conservative agenda runs deep in their veins. Yeah...yeah...I know a huge segment of the black community were republicans back in the day. That is a fact! Research it. Hell, just talk to your grandparents!

It is so interesting to me that the black community characteristically identifies with republican beliefs and conservative conducts, but yet votes a STRAIGHT Democratic Ticket. It is not like the democrats have always favored the black cause. They have not! That is a fact. Research it! 

I, for one, do not believe that the Civil Rights Bill would NOT have passed if the administration at the time was Republican. Some African Americans actually believe that. And, you cannot prove to me that the masses of the Jews, gay community, tree-huggers, and Woodstockers were registered democrats. 

The appeal for the non-black Civil Rights Movement participants was nestled in human compassion, not black or white. It was an opportunity to be a part of a cause that was reflective of Human Kindness. 

So, if you are a black republican so be it! I don't have an issue with a platform that states man/woman should do for self. I really do not get that from the Democrat Dais. I just don’t…

Yeah...yeah some need assistance, I recognize that. The black ancestors NEVER looked for governmental contributions. They knew that the governmental structure back then was NOT going to comfort them with handouts. They worked hard...prayed hard...and focused on what was/is obviously RIGHT. 

Anything outside of Personal Responsibility is NOT right. From my conservatively groomed disposition, the democrats and liberals have an excuse or illegitimate justification for all ‘problematic developments’. Why can’t it be that countless people are screw-ups, and fail to be responsible for their mistakes? Why can’t it be that numerous people prefer behavior that does not ‘jive’ with traditional values? The government should not be the Bail Bondsman for Stupidity, and the government should not serve as the Magistrate of Unfortunate Consequence. 

I am not a Republican or Democrat. I don't subscribe to political theatrics. I stand for what has gotten lost: Hard Work…Irrefutable Non-Religious Faith.  

Nobody owes me shit! All of my success is seated on the backs of black men and women who would kick the average black person's ass for embarrassing them and disrespecting their societal contribution. By the way, the ass kicking would be for being, AVERAGE – and not exceptional. 

If African Americans get rid of and ignore party titles they would easily be on the side of what defines Republican/Conservative...I just know it. 

How do I know? Go to a black church...

The Black Rebel


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