Egos are deadly. Toxic. Destructive. Al has a big one and Tavis has a gigantic one! Both men are good at what they do. Al is the last of the Frontline Go Getters and Tavis is still evolving. Tavis actually despite popular opinion has worked hard to help black people get to where they need to be: Over the Hump. His State of the Black Union ran its course thus the reason he “abandoned” it. I don’t too much plan him. He did his part. He re-started the dialogue. Challenged us to address our self-induced problems and encouraged us to defeat the American system-generated barriers. Al speaks the conscious of countless blacks. He is relentless in his efforts. Tough in his approach – more than likely not ‘bought’. Owned by an unseen force. He is criticized by many – but no one can take away from what he has done and doing. Unfortunately, both black men are now doing what The Powers can appreciate: Division Sadly, the beef is really over differences of opinion pertaining to President Barack Obam...
True sacrifice is the essence of rebellion. –The Black Rebel