I voted last Monday which means I lied to myself and my confidants a few years ago. I was determined not honor my right to vote. Several reasons brought me to that decision. The principal reason was my frustration with the federal government political process. To me -and I unequivocally believe that I am not alone- it appears more gets done on the local level. Federal elections are convoluted with the Electoral College which in fact negates the Vote of the People. The congress rarely works to be on one accord which intensifies partisanship, and promotes discord among the voting citizenry. The legal and illegal inhabitants of the USA have to endure disappointing debates and Machiavellian sound bites that truly do not answer questions or address concerns. Sadly, we have to revisit school yard disagreements from the zealous political talking heads e.g. Sean Hannity, Chris Matthews, Ann Coulter, Rachel Maddow. Then we with American enthusiasm - merely be...
True sacrifice is the essence of rebellion. –The Black Rebel