A large number of people shouted me down when I asked a single question that was intended to encourage a critical analysis of the shooting and killing of Trayvon Martin . Unfortunately, what I had to stomach was an emotionally laced confab which is a typical response from African Americans and other black people from around the globe. Blacks were not prepared for the following “Have we considered that Trayvon was the aggressor, and not George Zimmerman?” I went on to cautiously state after I was verbally abused, “If Trayvon was the brutally pugnacious antagonist, George Zimmerman was on the right side of a law that essentially means that if you feel…just feel…threaten you have a right to Stand Your Ground, and shoot someone…defend yourself with any means available. And, perhaps there should be some citizenry pressure put on the state lawmakers to examine and possibly change Stand Your Ground to an adapted and provable self-defense diktat. ”...
True sacrifice is the essence of rebellion. –The Black Rebel