The mistake I made in regards to African American culture was when I singled-out African American people to be conditionally untouchable within the consequence of brutal cultural annihilation. This action is similar to Jews declaring that they are in fact the Chosen People and do not deserve any criticism. African Americans and Jews are not unique..alone in the locale of suffering. There was one time in my life when I aggressively defended African Americans. So much so, I severed relationships simply because he/she was not 'black' as I held myself to be. Consequently, I made myself and those close to me miserable in my effort to be a symbol of 'Blackness'. Of course, there was not anything wrong with me expressing my black heritage - but often times my sentiments expressed were not honorable. The expressions -which years ago I admitted were excessive- made everyone associated with me uncomfortable. And, the people who I made uncomfortable were not only white. ...
True sacrifice is the essence of rebellion. –The Black Rebel