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Showing posts from February, 2009

Going Without the Usual

I have decided to take on another challenge that supports my effort to be associated with or be the lead on a sacrificial project. If you recall in January I spent a day in silence and avoided eating for 16 hours in support of the Palestinians during the most recent Middle East conflict. For the month of February I have elected to limit myself to purchasing food in a grocery store, and only spending $120 for the entire month on the food that I buy. At present, I have spent $118.50. In the event I deplete my food funding prior to the 28th, I will eat frozen dinners that were given to me from a friend whose mother received an influx of Meals on Wheels dinners. You may be saying to yourself, ‘that will not be too difficult for The Black Rebel.’ It will because I spend on the average $220 a month on food. This food may come from a restaurant, it may be in the form of a latte or smoothie, or it may be from my weekly stop at a fast food joint for French fries. This month none of that will oc...

A Day of Protest: What Difference did it Make?

When I applied for the Peace Corps my uncle Jerry asked me, “What are you doing? Stay home and do some good. Do you really think you are going to make a difference?” At that very moment, I felt deflated. All the motivation to do something sacrificially worthwhile quickly left my body. I was somewhat in agreement with his skepticism because I knew what he was implying; and I also believed his blunt hint: ‘No change will come as a result of your two year sacrifice.’ I could have allowed Uncle Jerry to discourage me from facing the challenge and the disappointment – but nothing could penetrate my straight out of college idealism. Not even known defeat…or was it accurate pessimism? Either way, I was ready to conquer and change the world. Ready like I was this past Friday. Embolden to be one in solidarity with the Palestinians. But, filled with anxiety when and if I faced a critic and/or Israel sympathizer. While I did not sacrifice too much, I did have to endure the looks and the whispers...