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Showing posts from April, 2012

Star vs. Basketball Wives…the Winners are, Basketball Thugs with Vaginas

  Why do so many –in this case- black people live...really live in the manure that television spews? Why do we support what has caused the demise of a once Great Culture, Blackness?  What happen to women being women of respect and dignity? Yes...there are numerous black women behaving in a way that support the Great Culture of the past. When I think of the expectations that I have for my yet to be born daughter, I feel an immediate overwhelming sense of fear. I am terrified that my Porter will haphazardly stumble across a television train wreck (TV show) that will partially influence her...slightly encourage her to behave like an untamed human...gently push her towards what a woman is not: Basketball Wives like many reality shows are poor examples of the American culture. In my travels all around this world for work (Peace Corps) and pleasure (Hedonism is off the chain, by the way), I have been in the unwanted position of explaining to a villager or a resort wait...