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Showing posts from April, 2011
Royalty is not Cultured Culture is the character of a people’s identity, the good and the bad. Culture at its root –at its alpha- is unblemished…but over time it can be seasoned with moral corruption, irresponsibility and superciliousness. In most cases the true essence of a people’s culture is beyond reproach. That’s if it is not tainted with brutal imperialism and outlandish liberalism. Culture is solidified…permanently footprint-ed in the universe leaving humans with brilliance, integrity, sophistication, and unfortunately with inflated egos and even horrible memories of human hatred i.e. Pacific Islanders were slaughtered by Christian missionaries. Therefore, culture should never drift, die or create a new identity. Culture will remain…with and without its orchestrators when this temporary existence that we refer to as Life implodes. Early this week an associate and I were discussing The Royal Wedding. He let me know with high intensity that I was being shallow when I state...

Connecting Discipline to Jamie Hood

Everyone has their opinion on how one should discipline children. It does not matter the age of the child an opinion is always in the forefront. Unfortunately and I guess fortunately, random people are more than willing to offer up a suggestion on methods of disciplining children. With frustration I have to admit that the unfortunate is when people issue the recommendations at the most inopportune times. Like at the grocery store while your two and half year old is reaching for and grabbing everything in sight. “You need to beat him.” Really? Did she say that to me? What…? I must be hearing things. No…I heard a woman from my mother’s generation correctly. Evidently, I was not addressing the curiosity of my two year old adequately. Perhaps the fortunate element of the randomness of people’s opinion is a sign of the African Village Concept at work: Help one teach one. Without success and coupled with minor rudeness, that was the woman in the grocery store effort. The seasoned ‘vi...