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Showing posts from 2009
Unfulfilled Sacrifice Last year on December 31 I made a promise to sacrifice more in 2009. I started the commitment by pledging to institute a monthly sacrifice. Whatever I decided to ‘go without or literally prevent myself from craving’ it had to be rebellious in nature. Meaning the sacrifice had to be boldly deviant. January was my cautious initiation so I decided to stand in solidarity with a forgotten people. At the time the Israeli government was brutally strong-arming the Palestinians. Typical behavior from the brute of the Middle East and definitely quintessential for the United States government to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Israelis. Picture: Here is a brief description of my February deviance: I limited my food purchases to the grocery store. Vowing to spend only $120 for the entire month. By mid-month I had spent $118. Since I depleted my food funding prior to the 28th,
Derrion Albert’s life was brutally taken by the brutality that lives in the depths of the black community – but ultimately he is the latest Sacrificial Lamb offered up for no reason at all. The Beating Open Letter from NAS The Black Rebel's Say I began to formulate my thoughts yesterday after seeing the disturbing video. Video images that honestly forced me to think: ‘What are these savages thinking/doing?’ I referred to the black boys featured in the video as what I think of when thinking about untrained, short-fused, uncontrollable mammals: SAVAGES . I later scrolled down the AOL web page to read the comments. Not surprisingly, I was able to determine which responses were poste

Prepared to Quit on Black Folk

For me to quit on black people means that I have grown completely tired of our excuses and repulsed by our justifications for our condition. It also means that I am sacrificing my Fight the Power mentality. Removing it from my thought process completely so that I can have some P eace . After all these years of standing in the Pro Blackness of American discourse I have decided to sacrifice what my soul pushes in the forefront of my ideology so that I can finally sleep. I am here at this place. This moment. Like so many: Tired and Defeated . Taken down by my brothers and sisters; and not beat-up by the White Power Structure. It is us (the black man and woman) who has lost a fighter. A soldier. If only we could have collectively moved in that direction of taking responsibility. As our ancestors did. Warren Balentine, Radio Talk Show Host, said today: "I will no long jump down the white man's neck when there is a so called injustice perpetrated on black people...I certainly under


This commentary may not 'belong' on this site...but I thought it would be a good entry considering the last sentence 'fits' The Black Rebel. Embrace life. What do you do that's fun? Time is running out. We are dying. I am so sick and tired of human beings living without LIVING. Please live. If not, ya going to be buried without TRULY enjoying a life that is believed by many to be given to you by a Divine Creation. Don't disappoint this Creator. Last evening, I came home to discover that my lights were shut off. I forgot to pay the bill. No shyt! (By the way, I ran out of gas earlier yesterday morning. Did not faze me at all. Was too lazy to stop by the 'filling station' the evening before.) I was telling a friend about this occurrence, and she was in STRESS mode: What ya gonna do? Where ya gonna sleep? What ya gonna eat? I responded with: "Chill, I am fine." Not for one minute did I get flustered. I was cool with it. H*ll, what could I do any

Iran, Iran, Iran...

I have been thinking about what I can do to display my support for the brave rebellion that’s playing out in Iran. Should I go on a hunger strike? Shall I join the protesting Iranian Americans here in Atlanta as they march up and down Marietta Street? Should I tape to my Jeep a sign that reads: . Then I began to think about what I could title this commentary. By now, you are aware what I have come up with. Depending on the way one pronounces Iran, it can actually leave your lips like this: I ran. Think about that. Now, say, ‘I ran.’ Yes, you (the American) and I have ran. We have ran/run away from what is important. JUSTICE is the vehicle many of our ancestors have taken in spite of their social economic status. Both, the well-to-do and poor marched with each other in protest way back when… They fought for what was/is right. They stood for something. So unlike the Michael Jordon’s of the United States. These men and women were/are the

Eyes Wide Open

Below is a report I completed for work: . Currently, I am a Program Manager with Goodwill of North Georgia. On May 9, 2009 I help facilitate a service activity. The details are listed below. Before you start reading I want you to know that I had an opportunity to go home for Mother’s Day 2009. I chose to stay for the event detailed in the summary below. This month’s Rebellious Sacrifice installation is the decision I made to miss out on seeing my momma. Report: The Harvard Alumni Service Activity Day went extremely well! We had eight alums and twelve young adults to participate. The young adults displayed a 'tough' disposition in the beginning - but throughout the small group time that exterior began to fade. They opened up and the alumni were able to be productive with the personal time that was later presented. Several topics were addressed. Benin Dakar, AmeriCorps Member, talked about our program and what we do with AmeriCorps Members and Ralfiel Worthem, C

Refusing so that Others May Have

You may have read the story or someone may have told you about a generous man who randomly gave several janitors $100. Mystery Man Gives $100 Bills to Janitors When I overheard this story in the background while cooking some Spam and eggs I smiled. I could believe it because their are still people out there who care about their fellow man/woman and who are serious about honoring those we may fail to acknowledge during our busy days of working for someone else. They ( The Compssioniate Givers ) may be limited in number according to news reports/bloggers - but we are aware people can be moved to do good/sacrifice. And, bad...of course. Nonetheless, I have a question for you this week. Would you take a pay cut or refuse a promotion to save fellow employees' jobs? (What would be your sincere motivation?) Are you willing? -The Black Rebel

Going Without the Usual

I have decided to take on another challenge that supports my effort to be associated with or be the lead on a sacrificial project. If you recall in January I spent a day in silence and avoided eating for 16 hours in support of the Palestinians during the most recent Middle East conflict. For the month of February I have elected to limit myself to purchasing food in a grocery store, and only spending $120 for the entire month on the food that I buy. At present, I have spent $118.50. In the event I deplete my food funding prior to the 28th, I will eat frozen dinners that were given to me from a friend whose mother received an influx of Meals on Wheels dinners. You may be saying to yourself, ‘that will not be too difficult for The Black Rebel.’ It will because I spend on the average $220 a month on food. This food may come from a restaurant, it may be in the form of a latte or smoothie, or it may be from my weekly stop at a fast food joint for French fries. This month none of that will oc

A Day of Protest: What Difference did it Make?

When I applied for the Peace Corps my uncle Jerry asked me, “What are you doing? Stay home and do some good. Do you really think you are going to make a difference?” At that very moment, I felt deflated. All the motivation to do something sacrificially worthwhile quickly left my body. I was somewhat in agreement with his skepticism because I knew what he was implying; and I also believed his blunt hint: ‘No change will come as a result of your two year sacrifice.’ I could have allowed Uncle Jerry to discourage me from facing the challenge and the disappointment – but nothing could penetrate my straight out of college idealism. Not even known defeat…or was it accurate pessimism? Either way, I was ready to conquer and change the world. Ready like I was this past Friday. Embolden to be one in solidarity with the Palestinians. But, filled with anxiety when and if I faced a critic and/or Israel sympathizer. While I did not sacrifice too much, I did have to endure the looks and the whispers